Thursday, May 7, 2009

We are very excited that it is getting warmer out and staying dark later. We are hoping to get to know more of our neighbors as we are out more this summer. Joe is taking great pride in cultivating a beautiful lawn. This summer we'll work on keeping the new grass healthy, cut (trimmed and edged!!) and weedless, and we'll worry about planting next year!
Annabelle has now started escaping her room in the middle of the night and coming to our room. She doesn't appear to be scared, she just asks, "What are you guys doing ? How's brother? May I have some milk? She just wants to chat. Then Joe takes her back to bed. Needless to say, her night escapades were cute at first, but now we have put a cover over the door knob in her room so she can't escape! She is really enjoying coloring with markers and playing outside. She had a great time getting to play with Aunt Joy and Uncle Brad-a-ley this week.
I do believe Jayce is starting to feel better. This week he is a lot calmer, happier, and just more comfortable. We are THRILLED! He is sleeping for a 6 hour stretch at night, eating and "talking" to me for about 30 min. and then sleeping 3 more hours. It's not "sleeping thru the night", but it is much better than it was. Jayce is VERY jabbery and he makes so many different sound combinations already. Hmm...another talker like Annabelle?
Do you love me Nana? You're my woman.
After dancing with daddy she said, "Oh, the house is spinning now."
To daddy as he left for work, "Bye, baby!"
Uncle Luke likes to eat crackers and be on the cross. And I like to press his belly. (what?)
oops...Annabelle got a little carried away with the bubbles!

Jayce is VERY ticklish!

Yes...he already zones in on the TV, just like daddy!

Yeah, he's big enough for the jumperoo!

"Amazing grace how sweet the sound... I once was BLONDE, but now I see"

Annabelle playing dress up with Nana

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