Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! What a great day of celebrating! God has truly blessed us with a wonderful family and we are very grateful for his blessings.
A lot has happened the past month...too much to try and update it all, so we'll hit on the highlights.

It has been a sad time in our family as we have had to say goodbye to my Granny Lucy, or Gusta Granny as Annabelle calls her.'s tough trying to explain it all to a 2 year old. She certainly has helped us all cope a bit more with her sweet innocence. She asked if Jesus gave Gusta her medicine in heaven to make her all better, she showed Gusta her new Cinderella sunglasses at the viewing, she said she liked Gusta's blue "bed", and she blew Gusta lots of kisses. What a sweet little girl. Though it has been tough, it was wonderful to have all of the famliy together....all 9 million of us!! We had a good Easter together today at Uncle Hank's house and Granny would have been so happy to see all of her kids getting together and having a great time.

Annabelle and Jayce are doing well. Jayce did a fabulous job being baby Jesus in the Easter pagent. He was certainly the star! He still has an uncomfortable belly and is not an award winning sleeper, but his sweet smile and laugh make up for it all! He adores the ceiling fan, playing pat a cake and swinging. He is wearing 6-9 month clothes already at 12 weeks. At his 2 month appointment he was 14 1/2 lbs and 22 1/2 inches!! He is probably at least 16 lbs. now. AH!!! He has a wonderfully annoying spot of "stick straight up" hair on his's an Alfalfa sprout on the side.

Annabelle continues to amaze us with her maturity. She actually puts herself in time out sometimes if she thinks she has not been a good listener! She loves playing in her playroom, eating strawberries (plain or chocolate) by the dozen, and playing with her friend Sophia.

We are now trading in a car and have graduated to a mini van. It was quite an amazing deal and Annabelle is thrilled that it has a "little TV" in the van! We are looking forward to having it on our trip to Minnesota next week! Pray for us!!!

Annabelle sayings:
"The boy gets the boy out, and the girl gets the girl out." (What Annabelle says each time we go to get out of the van. I get her and Daddy gets Jayce)

Ooopsidoodle spaghettios!

Are you my sweet girl mama? Daddy is my sweet boy and I love him so much!

Mommy, close the bathroom door so the boys don't come in. That would freak me out and it would be hysterical!

Jayce's blood pressure is 46 pounds

Can we go to heaven and see Gusta Granny now?

Enjoy the pictures!
Annabelle loves to drive!!!

Looking at the mobile in Jayce's bed!

Annabelle "helping" with laundry!

Cutting the grass with daddy

Watching the NCAA championship

She loved putting the Easter grass in her toes!

Give me Easter candy, too!