Sunday, August 10, 2008

VBS week

Life with Annabelle sure is fun! Her excitement and energy never cease to amaze us. This past week at church was VBS every night! All Annabelle talked about was "V-B-S!!!" When we got finished every night at 8:30 she would jabber the whole way home about "Jesus born" and "God made moon." "Jesus, bible." How awesome! We thought it would wear her out, but no...she was pumped up until about 10:15 each night! She also has really become attached to Pastor Steve and lets us know that at church she wants to see "Pastor Steeeeve!" We had a Dr's appointment to check out how the new baby was doing and Annabelle was thrilled to get to hear the "puh puh" of the heart beat. When the Dr. asked her who was in mommy's belly, she said "Jesus!" Ha! We had to explain to him that it was VBS week and Jesus was on the brain!! Well, here are a few pics of this week, including our house progress. We close 1 month from today!
Annabelle and Nana in "Annabelle's house!"

The kitchen is looking good! I am most excited about this room!!

The sidewalk has been poured all around the's just waiting for Annabelle to drive her car on it.

"Hey Daddy! I'm playing too!!"

"Hmm, was it the yellow or the red button daddy said to push?"

"Oh no, Thomas! There is a crack in the train track!" Granny Gusta was in the hospital this week and Annabelle certainly enjoyed getting to go see her and have her read her a book! She was very concerned about her and kept asking about her nose, because of the oxygen tube!

We went to Sears Appliance Outlet this week and bought a new washer and dryer!!! Yeah! Annabelle had the best time! I guess they don't get a whole lot of little bitty kids in an appliance store, so they really made over her! They gave her a big red balloon, and she squealed with excitement!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Number 1 Fan!

Annabelle is still quite the Cardinals enthusiast! She is now equipped with a Cardinals cheer outfit and pom poms so things will only get more intense! She still yells as them to score a home run. She also shouts "YES!" when they make a hit. She also likes saying "Pujols!" It certainly is entertaining to watch her even when the Cardinals are not playing well, which happens on occasion! We hope you enjoy her spirit!!

Annabelle and her girlfriends

It is so much fun to watch our little girl play with other little ones. She just gets so excited when she has some one her size to play with. Hopefully that will bode well when baby number 2 arrives! Annabelle never ceases to amaze us with her verbal skills! She has become quite a little parrot, repeating EVERYTHING we say! Her new favorite phrases are "No barking, Miles!" "Good stuff!" "I'm Annabelle Jolea" (emphasis on "Jo"). She also thinks it is fun to call us by our first names. The other night as I was putting her in bed, I told her "I love you Annabelle." She responded "Ohhh, Sarah!" Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures. We really appreciate you checking out our blog and for leaving comments!
Annabelle and Sophia (from church) "swimming". Annabelle enjoyed the water as long as she was confined to the pink boat! She also had fun scooping water into the boat.

"Just catching some rays!"

Annabelle and her good buddy JuJu. (Julianne) Annabelle was thrilled to see Julianne and Allison Mobley when they came in town for a visit. She cried really hard when they left!

Big girls sitting pretty!

Annabelle cheesing and Julianne zoning!

"Say hello!" Annabelle couldn't quite understand whay Julianne didn't talk, except for "Daaa." We had to remind her that only big girls talk.

Oh, pat, pat Julianne!