Monday, September 8, 2008

Already September!! has been a whole month since I have updated...sorry. Life is going well for us here in St. Louis/Godfrey. My Granny has been very sick and we have been spending time getting to see her in the hospital. It has been a blessing to be close to family. Annabelle just loves getting to go to Gusta's hospital (now Gusta's nursing home!) She also got to see Joe's grandma in the hospital and she is quite good at cheering up people who are feeling pretty yucky! All is well with baby number two. According to the ultrasound the baby is growing well, has all of it's parts and should come sometime late January. We were able to stay strong again and not find out the sex of the baby. We hope Annabelle can be patient and wait a few more months...she has tried to feed my belly button a bottle and she keeps asking if she can hold "little baby." I'll share a few more cute Annabelle accomplishments. She has certainly mastered her colors and now she seems very interested in shapes. She also counts 1-5. She needs to slow down, because if I do end up homeschooling her I don't know what I'll teach her in kindergarten! She is also putting together really good sentences! "Happy Birthday to you mommy!" "Allison made that for me." "Where did the lid go mommy?" She is still very interested in the moon. Whenever she see's it she asks if she can hold it! She knows the answer, because as soon as she asks me she shakes her head "no" and says "it huge!" She has such a sweet heart and many times will be playing and then come over to me and say "Amen Gusta" which is her way of saying we need to stop and pray for Gusta or whomever. The other night we were leaving Brad and Joy's apartment and it was raining very hard and Annabelle was getting quite wet. She looked up at the sky and said "No thank you!" Of course in her mind if you use your manners you get what you want, but unfortunately God doesn't stop the rain just because we ask nicely!
She is also starting to tell people "I love you SO much!" Let's see...we close on our house in two days and are very excited to get to move in and get all of our stuff out of storage. Annabelle loves going to her empty house and dancing on the carpet and hiding in the empty cabinets/closets! Thanks for reading my ramble! I will post pictures tomorrow...I'm heading to bed now!