Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We have had a nice week. We had an exciting 7 yr. wedding Anniversary on Monday, with Joey getting his stiches out! Now he can shower whenever he wants! We also got to see my dear friend Stacey Sisk and her crew (Jaden, 3, Zeke, 2, Violet 1 month) Annabelle enjoyed having all of the kids to play with. Other than that we have just been enjoying playing, shopping a bit, dancing to Daddy's cell phone tunes, watching Cardinal baseball (which Annabelle adores!) and saying the ABC's. Annabelle actually pronounces them all really well! She has also become attached to her Thomas the Tank engine book! We read it several times a day. I hope you enjoy all of the pictures!
Joey and Violet...she's hungry!

"Daddy, if I kiss her will she be all better?"

"Oh, pat, pat baby."

Say cheese cowgirl!

"Fine, I'll share my car with you Jaden, but I'm not happy about it."

Playing in the water!

Annabelle, Zeke and Jaden washing the "Man-mobile"

What a precious face

Annabelle reading her Bible to her babies!!

" Here you go Miles! Don't tell Nana!"

Picking weeds

Annabelle and her goofy smile!

"Where's Annabelle?"

"Here I am!"

" Do I look cool or what?"

Friday, July 18, 2008

SMILE Annabelle!

Help!!! Annabelle's smile has gone goofy! Today we took her to see Granny "Gusta" and each time we told her to smile she scrunched up her face so silly!!! Hopefully she will return to normal smiling soon!! Enjoy!
Big Smile!


3rd times a charm?

"I see you Gusta!"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The past week or so...

We have had quite an interesting week or so around here. The men of the house (Joe and Poppa) are both laid up so Nana, especially, has been busy taking care of the invalids. Thankfully Joe gets his stitches out on Monday and Poppa gets to see a new back pain Dr. on Monday. Hopefully they will be new men after that! We also had fun having Gigi and Papa here from Minnesota for a retirement Annabelle got lots of hugs and kisses! Annabelle has adjusted pretty well to daddy not being able to do much. At first she didn't really know how to respond; it was almost like she was mad at him or scared of him! But she has certainly softened up a lot. She takes good care of him, giving him lots of snuggles, ice packs, and she knows to get him his tray to eat on. She has suddenly developed and "owie" on her left knee too, and she needs it wrapped and iced with her Hello Kitty and Cars ice packs!!! Well here are a few pics to update you on the week!

We have a driveway, front walk way and part of a sidewalk. Inside they have mudded and taped everything!

This is the view from our front/side porch. The building you see across the field is our church! Talk about saving gas money!

Annabelle has gotten in the morning routine of eating her mini wheats and reading the paper with Nana. She really likes the funnies!

Playing a tune on my harmonica!

Joe's cousin, Shelley, just has baby number 2! Adam weighs just about 6 lbs. Annabelle just adored him!

"Look mama! Little fingers!" Annabelle loved playing with Adam's fingers and kissing him.

Joe and Annabelle proping up their knees and icing them!

"Look Maggie, I have a bandage just like daddy!"

Annabelle kissing daddy's owie

Annabelle loves taking Miles on walks around the house. He is such a good sport!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New House

We have had so much fun getting to watch our house go up. Joe is able to watch almost daily progress, being that church is just across the field from our house. We all typically like to visit at least once a week. Annabelle even gets excited now and starts saying "House" as we pull into the subdivision. It is amazing how quickly they have progressed. I guess when you know what you are doing, building a house isn't that difficult! As of today, inside they have dry walled everything so it finally feels like home. They are hoping to have everything finished in about 5 weeks. They like to let the house "rest" for about 3 weeks before we close, so that should happen the first week of September.As soon as we are in and settled....come visit!! This was the house the beginning of June.

Annabelle playing in her dirt back yard!

This is the house today! Almost everything is done on the exterior.

This is a shot of one of our favorite features...the porch. Annabelle already thinks it's pretty cool to play on the front porch. All we need are rocking chairs and it will feel like Cracker Barrel!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


As most of you may know we are expecting baby number 2! We finally got to go to the doctor today and all is well. We really felt comfortable with the new Dr. and trust that he will take good care of us. There was a very strong heartbeat and I was measuring about 11 1/2 weeks. That gives us a due date of January 25th. Annabelle enjoyed listening to the heartbeat and playing with all of the doctor's stuff, but I don't think she really understands there is a baby in my stomach. She will soon enough though! Just keep Baby Co2 in your prayers. We have our ultrasound in 8 weeks...sorry we are not going to find out the sex of this baby either! We love surprises!

Just doing my thing...inside!

Annabelle has had so much fun playing at Nana and Poppa's house. She is getting quite an imagination and she is very good at entertaining herself with whatever she can find! She is also starting to talk in 2-3 word phrases. She says "I love you!", "There you go!" "Eat your food" "1,2,3" "A,B,C. " "I big girl." She is also enjoying all of the Cardinal baseball we have been watching. She stands in front of the TV and yells "GO, GO, Homerun!" She evens knows when to clap and cheer! Also, this past month she is showing an interest in going potty on the big girl potty. Of course her signal that she might have to go, is to walk up to the potty and say "chocolate!" We gave her a bite of chocolate the first time she went and she never has forgotten!
She has also been a very sweet girl to her daddy this month with his "Owie" on his knee. She has given him lots of snuggles and ice packs. He has his surgery on Friday the 11th so hopefully all will go well and she'll remember to be gentle with him! Annabelle helping Nana fold laundrey...she had a great time trying on nana's panties!

"Just watching the fish screen saver on the computer!"

"Look, I'm making Annabelle soup!"

Eating her nightly scoop of icecream. Ever since she tasted chocolate ice cream she has not turned back! She takes after her daddy!

Annabelle making coffee in her kitchen. She loves to serve us food and drinks!

Just doing my thing...outside!

We have had a lot of fun playing outside this past month in the very warm weather. Annabelle would stay outside all day if we let her! She enjoys running in the grass, picking and watering the flowers, taking walks with the dog and of course playing with all of her toys! "Don't I look so big in my car!" (She says "car" like she is from 'Jersey!)

"HA! I love water!"

"Gee I'm thirsty!"

"I'll figure out how to get a drink out of this thing!"


Attempting to fill up a bowl to go and water the flowers

"Life is good!"