Monday, October 13, 2008

Yet another month gone by!

Well, since we are technologically obsolete at our new house in the country, I have a pretty good excuse why I have not posted in a month! Since we are at my mom and dad's tonight, I thought I would post a few pictures from the past few days. (I don't know why everything is being underlined, but oh well!) I've decided not to stress about updating all of the weeks gone by...we'll just start with now! The Costephens' clan is doing well! We are greatly enjoying our new home and are so blessed by being there. (Pictures will be forthcoming!) Things are going great at church and we are very excited about what God is doing! We are growing to love the people very much. I am enjoying working occasionally at the community college by our house at MBU's extension campus. Joe is actually going to get to be Professor Costephens in January when he starts teaching Old Testament History for Missouri Baptist University at the extension site. We are really excited about that opportunity. Miss Annabelle is keeping us in stitches as she is quite the goofball. She never ceases to amaze us with all she is capable of doing and saying. There is no stopping her! It would take forever to recap all of the Annabelle"isms" of the past month, so I'll just do a few from this week so far. Annabelle has been saying "nope" a l0t and I asked her who taught her to say that and she told me "Noah, God and Jesus told me to say nope." HA! She has also really enjoyed the construction noise surrounding our house. She wakes up in the morning and and announces "Little guys go bang bang at Annabelle's house." She loves to wave at them and tell them to get off of the ladders and roof's because it's dangerous. Thankfully they are quited amused by her. She had become quite used to saying "Miles no barking" while we were living with my mom and dad. So now, whenever Joe coughs, she says "No barking daddy!" Her favorite activities are playing play dough all the time...playing babies, helping mommy bake, and "being crazy!" She is still very excited about the upcoming baby. She asks everyday to open up mommy's belly button! We are so blessed by her sweet spirit and her love for others. She also has started reminding us "All things possible with GOD!" Well, I hope you enjoy a few pictures from our recent adventures!
Annabelle covering Nana with "lil stickies"

Wow, I can hold crackers in my toes!
I made a play dough necklace!

Dang flies keep getting in my playdough!

Cutting playdough is hard work!

What a big girl!

Are they clean yet?

Keaton and Annabelle riding the tractor at Eckart's Orchard

Daddy and his little pumpkin!

This apple is so juicy! Annabelle would eat apples all day if she could! (And she loves to dip them in peanut butter!)
Big Bite!

Annabelle finally got brave enough to let the goats lick her!

Little fugitives!

Mommy, Daddy and Annabelle petting the ponies. Later we saw the sign that says not to pet, because they bite!