Little Jayce man is still working out all of his tummy issues. Due to his, what seems to be, constantly upset stomach each time he eats, he doesn't sleep very well. So we have needless to say tried everything in the book, but probably only time will straighten out his little belly. Last night somehow he finally decided to sleep and went from 9:30 pm to 4:20 am...almost 7 hours! This was a huge shock and a blessing, since he has been consitently waking up 2-3 times a night! We are praying that it wasn't just a one time deal. I feel like a new woman today! Even with all of the vomiting and diahrea Jayce was 12 lbs. 6 oz. at 6 weeks!! And 23 and 1/4 in. long. He is our moose man and is thriving in regards to growth. Hopefully he will slow down at some point! We have had a few "real" smiles each day the past week so that has helped counteract the painful grunting times! Jayce really enjoys tummy time!
We are greatly enjoying the warm weather the past few days with wagon rides, playing ball outside, taking walks and having the windows open. Annabelle didn't seem to notice bugs last year, but it looks like this summer we are going to have to calm her down in regards to bugs "touching her!"
Annabelle"isms" the past few weeks:
Can I help you load the disher machine mom?
My panties just look glamorous don't they?
I am going to go down the slide on my esophogus!
Momma I'm wearing my dancin' dress!
May I hold you momma? It's fabulous to hold you!
Can you get married to daddy again and wear your Cinderella dress?
Enjoy a few pictures...mainly of Jayce, because he is a stationary target!
He's gotten so big since the last time I saw him! We need to come over soon! We miss all of you guys!
Cute kids! when did you all move back to St. Louis?
I laugh so hard every time I read the newest Annabelleisms. She says the most original things and is so honest. I'm curious about going down the slide on her esophagus though. Jayce is getting so big and looks so much like his daddy. We miss you guys lots. Julianne has started looking at Annabelle's pictures and calling her "Ah-belle". I think she misses her friend!
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