Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Life is "snow" much fun with 2

We are continuing to adjust to being parents of two! We have actually had it quite easy the past few days, because my mom has been helping out at our house since we got home and for the past 2 days Annabelle has been "snowed in" at Nana and Poppa's house. I know it has been tough for her to have all of the attention and unlimited play time! Though we have missed her dearly it has been fun to be able to have one on one time with Jayce. Real life starts tomorrow when Joe is at work and the three of us are at home! We managed to get Jayce to the Doctor yesterday before the snow really set in. He is now 21 inches long and 7 lbs. 14 oz. We were pleased that he already regained his birth weight plus 2 oz. in just a week. I guess he's getting enough to eat! Joe and I were both "christened" by Jayce yesterday. He got me in the face during diaper time and he soaked through his outfit and got Joes' stomach while we having our "date night" movie last night. Thankfully he is having more awake time and we are getting to see his dark blue eyes much more. And we are pleased that his "belly button thingy" fell off already, so hopefully Annabelle won't run and hide each time we change his diaper. This weekend Joe's mom will be coming in town for a few weeks so again we will be enjoying the extra help and support. Enjoy the pictures!

So snuggly...he has big hands like his daddy and sister.

I see eyeballs! His cheeks are starting to fill out. We'll see is he "beefs" up as much as his sister!

No, I won't wake up to eat, Mommy!

Annabelle squealing with excitement as she saw her brother today after a 2 day break!

Annabelle: " Yes he has a tongue!"

Annabelle's suprised face

Annabelle's happy face

Adventures in the snow at Nana and Poppa's. They said she wasn't too interested at first, because snow was getting on her shoes!

Helping Poppa sweep the snow

She was thrilled to call and tell us that she got drug around on the sled!

She picked out her hat and scarf all by herself.

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